Project 365 – Day 83



Day 83 – Snow way down.

You’d be forgiven for thinking this is winter, we are officially in spring, the bulbs are sprouting, daffodils are flourishing seas of yellow everywhere and now the temperatures have plummeted to an all time low in the last 50 years. With a sugar dusting of snow, where better place to take the dog for a walk on a sunday afternoon? On a hill covered in snow at -4, blasting winds with snow drifts knee deep, Bella didn’t appreciate me walking down a small hill, she wouldn’t follow me as the snow was too deep, she tried but as the snow gave way she kept getting a face full of snow, ( I think the picture says it all) I had to clamber back to her, ending up with snow up to my knees so I could grab her. I must admit, getting wet legs was worth it watching her run back and forth trying to get to me! She’s now home huddled in her bed next to the radiator all cosy!